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Pantanal ♫

Pantanal ♫


Pantanal, Marcos Viana takes us to the heart of Brazil,

Marcos Viana was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in a family of musicians. His father, Sebastião Viana, a well known conductor, was the assistant of the greatest Brazilian composer Villa Lobos.

Although his deep involvement with music, this only became a profession when he started to play at the Minas Gerais Symphonic Orchestra, where he remained for seven years as a violinist.

Besides his work at the orchestra, his participation as a musician on the “Saecula Saeculorum” group, opened him the doors of another musical style: the progressive rock.
Marcus Viana, since the 70s has always been interested in the electrification of the violin, trying a fusion of classical, rock and Brazilian music elements.

Pantanal, Marcos Viana takes us to the heart of Brazil, where the rivers snake like veins through the land, bringing life from the depths of the earth. This is more than just a geographical journey; it’s a cultural and spiritual one, a vision of Brazil that honors those who understand the language of plants, animals, and water—its indigenous guardians.

The song speaks of people who know the paths of the rivers, land, and sky, keepers of ancient secrets within the endless forests. It’s a treasure lost to many, yet untouched by good or evil, a son of the Pantanal itself. Legends and myths come alive with stories of lost cities and gods descending from the sky, all nestled in Brazil’s heart.

Reflecting on 500 years since the Americas were “discovered,” Viana calls for a fight for the future, the right to protect this heritage and pass it down. As the millennium turns, he dreams of life, hope, and the goodness that can be reclaimed. This future is vividly green and blue, a world that the children of future generations will one day see.


They are like snake veins
The rivers that weave the heart of Brazil

Carrying the water of life
From the bottom of the earth to the heart of Brazil

People who understand
Who speaks the language of plants, animals

People who know the path of the waters, the lands, the sky

Old mystery kept in the heart of endless forests

Lost treasure of us
Far from good and evil
Son of the Pantanal

Legends of races, cities lost in the jungles
In the heart of Brazil

The Indians tell of gods who descend from space
In the heart of Brazil

Rediscovering the Americas 500 years later

To fight tooth and nail (fight with everything we’ve got) for our right to the future.

End of the millennium, rescue of life, dreams, good

The Earth so green and blue

Children’s children’s children
Of our children will see

Legends of races, cities lost in the jungles

In the heart of Brazil
The Indians tell of gods who descend from space
In the heart of Brazil

Rediscovering the Americas 500 years later

To fight tooth and nail (fight with everything we’ve got) for our right to the future.

End of the millennium, rescue of life, of dreams, of good

The Earth so green and blue

Children’s children’s children
Of our children will see

The future is so green and blue
Children’s children’s children
Of our children will see

São como veias serpentesOs rios que trançam o coração do Brasil
Levando a água da vidaDo fundo da terra ao coração do Brasil
Gente que entendeQue fala a língua das plantas, dos bichos
Gente que sabe o caminho das águas, das terras, do céu
Velho mistério guardado no seio das matas sem fim
Tesouro perdido de nósDistante do bem e do malFilho do Pantanal
Lendas de raças, cidades perdidas nas selvasNo coração do Brasil
Contam os índios de deuses que descem do espaçoNo coração do Brasil
Redescobrindo as Américas 500 anos depois
Lutar com unhas e dentes pra termos direito ao depois
Fim do milênio, resgate da vida, dos sonhos, do bem
A Terra tão verde e azul
Os filhos dos filhos dos filhosDos nossos filhos verão
Lendas de raças, cidades perdidas nas selvas
No coração do BrasilContam os índios de deuses que descem do espaçoNo coração do Brasil
Redescobrindo as Américas 500 anos depois
Lutar com unhas e dentes pra termos direito ao depois
Fim do milênio, resgate da vida, do sonho, do bem
A Terra tão verde e azul
Os filhos dos filhos dos filhosDos nossos filhos verão
O futuro é tão verde e azulOs filhos dos filhos dos filhosDos nossos filhos verão

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The song Pantanal became iconic through its use as the opening theme of the beloved Brazilian soap opera Pantanal.

First aired in 1990, the show captivated audiences with its breathtaking portrayal of Brazil’s Pantanal region, one of the world’s largest tropical wetlands.

The series used the natural beauty of this landscape as a backdrop, bringing its mystique and splendor to life on screen.

Pantanal theme song served as a perfect musical accompaniment, resonating deeply with the show’s themes of environmental preservation, indigenous heritage, and the enduring connection between people and nature.

PANTANAL – Theme of the Globo Soap Opera | Musical Arrangement for Singer & Orchestra


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